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Life in Seoul

Exchange student in Korea and universities in Seoul

by maemae 2022. 3. 14.

As for me, I am Korean but I am studying in Europe somewhere.

I have been to Seoul, Korea, through an exchange student programme and then I met international people who are exchange students like me but have not much information about Seoul for living and studying.

Also, I know many people want to come to Korea.

So, I am planning to write down about my exchange student life by Korean eyes because I usually hang out and spend time with exchange students.

I believe it will be helpful to you even small. :D


We can see there are so many universities in Seoul and this is a list of universities that many exchange students mainly study at compared to the other universities.

For the public universities :

Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Seoul National University
University of Seoul


For the priviate universities :

Catholic University
Konkuk University
Kyonggi University
Kyunghee University
Korea University
Kwangwoon University
Kookmin University
Dongguk University
Myongji University
Sangmyung University
Sogang University
Sungkyunkwan University
Sejong University
Soongsil University
Yonsei University
Ewha Women University
Chung-ang University
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Hanyang University
Hongik University



Most universities have their own campus and every faculty is in one campus but some other universities are split into other places in Seoul or out of Seoul.

For example, the engineering faculties of Sungkyunkwan University and Kyunghee University are located in Suwon and Yongin each.

That is why you should take a look carefully at where you will study and ask your host university if you do not know exactly.

Also, there are different campuses with the same name university.

For example, Korea University, Yonsei University, and Hanyang University have one another campus out of Seoul.

I can know at which campus you will study when you are applying for it as far as I know.


In my opinion, studying in Seoul is the best for you to discover and enjoy Korea.


'Life in Seoul' 카테고리의 다른 글

Accommodation for study in Seoul  (0) 2022.03.14
